Skip to contentKyle Macquarrie

HD Movement tracking: first iteration


I shot some updated footage at the right resolution for my St Enoch project from two different points of view. In retrospect, shooting at 1920x1080 was probably excessive for my needs, and can cause extra problems (e.g. I don’t have a big enough monitor, resizing stuff on the fly in Processing is non-trivial, and it takes longer to process), so the results here are 1280x720. The ultimate goal is to make some large (A1-ish) prints which will probably be from PDFs anyway.

The video shows a mixture of the Processing output and the original footage. When working in Processing this doesn’t play in real time (more like 1-2 fps) and it seems really busy played back at 25 fps. I think I’ll need to find a simpler visual solution for the final results.

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